A wide design mossy green in pastel shades, a strong solid black background
A super traditional 3 column layout with left hand navigation, central content column and right hand area for featuring various WordPress widgets.
Valid XHTML valid w3c XHTML 1.0 Transitional, absolutely no warnings or errors show your readers that you have taken the care to create an interoperable Web page, you may display this icon on any page that validates. Here is the HTML you could use to add this icon to your Web page:
This is a low bandwidth design with minimal use of images, in fact the pretty much the only images used are the calendar icons. This ensures the theme is extremely fast loading.
I like this theme. It’s missing some code in the functions.php file to allow widgets. Being the amazing hacker that I am, I managed to add a few lines to make the widgets work - only to have the same widgets show on both sidebars…
Can you please fix that?
cj what was the code you added?
web hosting, its fixed now. download again
I figured out the problem with the duplicate side bars. Just edit the: sidebar_right.php file from the Theme Editor.
Look for this code:
&& dynamic_sidebar(1) ) :
Replace the number 1 with a 2 and save. That should do it.